Make Retirement Work...! BLOG


Well, this is not a blog post about relocating, although many of us do so when we retire.  Rather it is about the importance of staying—or getting—physically fit.  For those who got in the habit before retirement, it is generally not too much of a challenge to maintain a regular workout routine.  Many 55-and-over communities have well-equipped fitness facilities.  Many and many have pools as well. In addition, fee-based fitness centers have proliferating for the past several years. You may be eligible for a program called Silver Sneakers ( which offers free gym memberships to those 65+ through your medicare plan.  For those who have not established a regular workout regimen, retirement offers a prime opportunity to begin one.  The time constraints imposed upon us when we were working are no longer an excuse for not exercising on a regular, consistent basis.

One of the primary benefits of regular exercise is the margin it gives us in dealing with and overcoming various health issues that arise as an inevitable part of the aging process.  We don’t often talk about this aspect of our retirement years in connection with the benefits of staying physically active, but those who have endured various health challenges during retirement will readily attest to the virtues of regular exercise.

The many other benefits of physical fitness have been well documented since we were teenagers.  But beyond the intrinsic rewards of being physically fit is the fact that it gives us the stamina and energy to pursue and engage in the activities that bring us enjoyment and fulfillment.  Retirement bestows an unparalleled measure of freedom.  It only makes good sense to capitalize on the freedom that retirement provides to the maximum extent possible.  Being physically fit as possible is a prerequisite for making retirement…work.

Rick Hearin

Andrew Gogates