Make Retirement Work...! BLOG

Talking to Rutgers University Alumni Association Members!

Rutgers University Alumni Association interviewed Rick and me a few weeks ago for a webinar talking to their alumni about Make Retirement…Work! and our experiences with the subject of retirement.  We were excited to see that over 350 alums signed up, with 165 viewing it live,  155 viewing it on Facebook and 215 viewing it on YouTube for a total of 535.  It was well received based on the glowing feedback about the timely subject. 

Some feedback examples:

  • “This was a thoughtful and educated approach to planning for retirement!”

  • “This webinar was extremely helpful and very informative.  I was encouraged and now am motivated to continue with planning my retirement knowing the many possibilities that are out there to stay active during this next season of my life.”

  • “The seminar was very timely and presented real life examples of navigating a major life change.”

We have been talking about this subject for the last few years and as we reflected on the presentation with the great questions, it made us realize that this topic is still at the forefront of many individuals' lives. Not surprising, since for us “baby boomers” 10,000 of us turn 65 every day (yes, every day) until 2030. It should be on people's minds!

When we embarked on this project our objective was to share with fellow retirees or soon to be retirees our experiences and information we derived about retirement. It appears we are getting the word out and we hope to have more opportunities to talk to our fellow travelers on how to navigate the best years of our lives.

 Keep your eyes out for a discussion near you!!

Andy Gogates

Andrew Gogates