Make Retirement Work...! BLOG

Engaging Boomers in Milton Delaware

When Andy and I conceived the idea of “Make Retirement...Work”, we didn’t consider ourselves academics, or researchers, or dare I say, “experts“ in the field whatsoever. We’ve always--from the very beginning--considered ourselves “fellow travelers”. Nothing more, nothing less. When we wrote our best selling book, Make Retirement...Work: A Navigational Guide to the Best Years of Your Life“, it was with our fellow travelers in mind.

To be sure, the book required a certain degree of focus and discipline, and our research skills were also a very helpful and important part of the mix. But now, where the subject of meaningful retirement really comes to life for us is when we have the opportunity to meet and interact with some of the fellow travelers for whom the book is intended.

Well, we had just such an opportunity last Tuesday evening when we led an informal presentation for 30 to 40 baby boomers at Heritage Creek in Milton, Delaware. We highlighted various aspects in the book, and, just for the fun of it, quizzed the group on some of the unique characteristics of the Baby Boom generation. Like other groups we have met with, they were amazingly perceptive and knowledgeable about the generation of which they are a part. For example, they knew -- at least generally -- the years that defined the Baby Boom generation, it’s size, and even the number of Baby Boomers that reach retirement age virtually every single day. All of which set the stage for yet another beneficial discussion of ways to make

In reflecting on our journey, while our book has provided an essential foundation for our continuing study of our generation, it is these opportunities to share our insights and perspectives with others that are truly stimulating and rewarding. We could not have asked for a better audience than the people of Milton, Delaware, and we will take their insights and experiences with us as we continue our process of exploration and discovery.

Rick Hearin

Andrew GogatesComment