Loneliness is Not an Option
In the book we talk about “IkiGai” the Japanese word meaning a reason to get up in the morning, in other words, to have a purpose. This philosophy also says you will live longer by staying socially engaged. In retirement we need to get out of our comfort zone and make an effort to meet new people. Grow our circle of friends.
When I moved to Delaware 3 years ago, my wife and I began a morning exercise routine of walking to town, 3 miles miles round trip, from our house. We would have coffee at a little cafe and we would see 5 to 7 men of my age taking up two tables having a lively conversation. Right away they asked me to join them. It was an eclectic group with many interests, views and backgrounds. We hit it off and look forward to meeting each other almost every day. Many towns have the same gathering(mostly men but some co-ed)that meet daily. When I lived in NJ I observed the same type of group meeting at the local Dunkin Donuts. It may be the bagel shop or McDonald’s or maybe a park. People have asked why we meet and I say to solve the world’s problems, someone has to!
I suggest visiting these gatherings. You will be welcomed with open arms into a group all looking for the same thing, connecting with people and in doing so, living longer.
Andy Gogates