Make Retirement Work...! BLOG

Be Prepared!!

For those of you following MRW, you may have noticed we have been off the air for a few months.  My wife had a medical emergency and we have been spending our time at doctor appointments and hospital stays.  Now we are home following treatment and in the midst of the healing process.  Time will take care of things but we will have to deal with the medical issues the remainder of her life.

As you go through life and retirement you think about the end of life but it appears way off in the distance.  When the reality of it shows up, it really hits you with medicine, doctors, appointments, hospital stays etc. In MRW we talk about getting prepared while working for the next phase of your life.  Preparation is important with medical issues as well. You can handle the practical pieces, medical, financial, etc.  It’s the other pieces that you may not have anticipated.  I found that being a caregiver is hard.  That person requires your attention 24 seven and it wears on you.  Make sure you have social connections, to make time for you.  That is something you can develop now. Don’t wait, life moves on with or without you. 

Andy Gogates

Andrew Gogates